Posts from Sept 16th-20th 2000
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- Thank you all again for your support through my hard times! nt - Alane 23:50:15 09/20/00
- OK-Back in action looking for material - Alane 23:47:48 09/20/00
- migraines or ch? - Mariah 23:22:22 09/20/00
- Living With Romance: - TerryS 19:45:04 09/20/00
- Stress - Miguel 18:59:54 09/20/00
- An Experiment... - Melissa 18:17:43 09/20/00
- Flash, take note... - annemarie 17:41:21 09/20/00
- C.H. - Anthony 17:08:04 09/20/00
- FYI-ABC Nightline Wed. 9/20/00-Doctors' Privacy Over Patients' Rights. - Enrique Geiger 16:53:38 09/20/00
- Some thoughts on the Cluster - Nevyn 16:52:55 09/20/00
- Stupid Messages (Anthony Chappell) - DJ 14:44:20 09/20/00
- Water x 3 = tea? - annemarie 14:39:19 09/20/00
- Are CH's considered a disability - scott 13:41:06 09/20/00
- touchy yuk! - hub 13:29:29 09/20/00
- Shroom Update (4 days)! - Graham 13:25:29 09/20/00
- doing better.. water x3? Mellissa's suggestion? - sonya banna 13:15:36 09/20/00
- Jokes for a Wed - Nancy 10:39:33 09/20/00
- OHMIGOD!!! Antibiotics!!! - Kathi 09:33:46 09/20/00
- Butterfly: - TerryS 08:45:58 09/20/00
- Couldn't resist sharing this... - Bensue 08:01:29 09/20/00
- Anybody else having trouble... - Bensue 07:48:52 09/20/00
- oh, bye the way, lol, cherylallman is now cherylbye, or better known as cher - cheryl bye 06:50:54 09/20/00
- I typed my name into Yahoo and... - cherylbye 06:45:08 09/20/00
- K, 'nuff - Bob Kipple 04:51:41 09/20/00
- None - arch stanton 04:16:23 09/20/00
- methods - John 02:49:52 09/20/00
- Engine Everest - The Beatles 02:20:41 09/20/00
- Migraines - Mariah 01:22:59 09/20/00
- Antibiotics, CH and privacy issues - Kathi 00:23:44 09/20/00
- what to do next - skylark 23:43:22 09/19/00
- Egads! - Charlie 22:11:16 09/19/00
- Offensive Communication - Charlie 21:39:07 09/19/00
- OFFENSIVE COMMUNICATION - jonny 20:19:10 09/19/00
- WARNING - This message board may be dangerous - anthony chappell 19:10:56 09/19/00
- Cycle starting again.................................. - Tracy 16:49:00 09/19/00
- New and would like to join the group. - Danita 16:42:14 09/19/00
- capsaicin - Roger 15:51:38 09/19/00
- heat - annemarie 16:24:25 09/19/00
- IT WORKS FOR ME - LEROY 15:23:35 09/19/00
- Shroom Update (three days)-ADVICE NEEDED!!! - Graham 13:46:01 09/19/00
- Home at last, home at last, sweet God almighty, home at last!! - Alane 12:36:56 09/19/00
- Front coming in - Nancy 11:09:22 09/19/00
- Took some O2 before I went to sleep last night... - Melissa 11:08:25 09/19/00
- Bleeding Nose - Scott/JC 09:15:06 09/19/00
- swollen veins - sharon 09:08:55 09/19/00
- in the clear for now! - BUSSY 05:55:46 09/19/00
- morphine - Gayle 04:16:20 09/19/00
- morphine - August 03:43:54 09/19/00
- Natural relief from chronic headaches - Linda Scheresky 01:27:17 09/19/00
- histamines - Gayle 00:26:42 09/19/00
- ready for tonight? - sonya banna 23:08:43 09/18/00
- New Pic - Bob P 22:07:57 09/18/00
- Q!! Also... - Miguel 21:32:27 09/18/00
- Employment Headwinds - Randy B. 21:01:29 09/18/00
- ART FOR SALE - Susan 17:44:18 09/18/00
- water X3 - sonya banna 17:15:56 09/18/00
- Early Detection - Marty S 16:37:40 09/18/00
- Holding On to Life: - TerryS 14:32:44 09/18/00
- migraine headaches - L. Balfanz 14:31:34 09/18/00
- Ted - Ted 15:04:03 09/18/00
- Birthday Survey - Simon 14:27:39 09/18/00
- Shroom Update (two days)! - Graham 14:20:00 09/18/00
- Histamine?? - Naomi 13:31:51 09/18/00
- Sansert Prednisone suck! - Alisha 13:20:34 09/18/00
- Bored and looking for anyone wanting to chat.nt - tammy 12:17:01 09/18/00
- Starting Again - Parham 10:55:13 09/18/00
- Results Of Survey and Thoughts (almost longer than the bible) - Miguel 10:09:26 09/18/00
- Prednisone?Leave it alone! - Geo 07:24:47 09/18/00
- Well, I woke at 2a.m.... - Melissa 05:21:18 09/18/00
- BP Rigs Calibration - Charlie 02:33:10 09/18/00
- Important notice to all OUCH members and newbies. - Bob Kipple 01:39:02 09/18/00
- For JD Everyone: Biofeedback Information - Charlie 00:52:57 09/18/00
- thanks - Gayle 22:01:58 09/17/00
- A Special Day... A chronic CHer's first mushroom treatment. - Q 21:37:41 09/17/00
- 1 of 2 questions....I think...when you go to the ER...what are they giving YOU? - Roger 18:58:19 09/17/00
- new to the board - fliffy 17:09:04 09/17/00
- To All The GRANDMA'S : - TerryS 15:18:16 09/17/00
- My apologies to the Board - Todd 14:49:33 09/17/00
- Well, went to the ER this morning... - Melissa 14:08:41 09/17/00
- Stupid posts - DJ 13:47:11 09/17/00
- Shroom Update (24 hours) - Graham 11:58:23 09/17/00
- Long winded babbling from a 9+ world-Not relly CH,but then again! - sailpappy 11:45:02 09/17/00
- Serotonin (5HT) - Bob P 11:19:42 09/17/00
- Just found this site! - JAw 11:07:49 09/17/00
- clusters and croup? - shelly 10:21:01 09/17/00
- Interim Results - Miguel 09:22:43 09/17/00
- UK sufferers: Right NOW is your best chance of a pain free 12 months. - Flash 08:56:26 09/17/00
- e-mail lost, help needed - annemarie 08:21:37 09/17/00
- Hallelujah! - Bob Kipple 05:57:48 09/17/00
- Smart Women: humor LOL - TerryS 04:06:32 09/17/00
- television - jimmy sheeran 01:45:06 09/17/00
- Still searching - skylark jones 23:08:41 09/16/00
- Prednisone or ? - Randy B. 22:32:37 09/16/00
- Can you take Imitrex to Abort if you are on Sansert? - Scott 22:11:47 09/16/00
- Attention the Following responders below... - Miguel 21:52:13 09/16/00
- No, No, No, and episodic and Oooops! *S* n/t - Testy 09:44:11 09/18/00
- Episodic for 30 years (no text ) - Jack 07:38:18 09/18/00
- chronic-so far - Kat 17:17:22 09/17/00
- Episodic to Chronic - Ted 11:39:44 09/17/00
- i be episodic...nt - Susan 09:20:34 09/17/00
- N Y Y E C A- Allergy++++++Lactose intolerant ;-) - Judy 09:15:37 09/17/00
- Episodic nt - Kathi 08:43:43 09/17/00
- Episodic nt - Melissa 06:56:20 09/17/00
- sad to say - jonny 04:08:42 09/17/00
- chronic - aw, shucks! - nt - Simon 03:51:28 09/17/00
- Never chronic (thank God!). nt - mo 03:35:32 09/17/00
- I'm late, but answer Y,Y,N, Chronic {nt} - John B 00:16:29 09/17/00
- Episodic, 30+ years. nt - Bob P 00:02:29 09/17/00
- I think mine got missed, I posted chronic. nt - August 23:45:39 09/16/00
- I'm Episodic..nt - TerryS 22:57:40 09/16/00
- eposodic (nt) - jd 22:48:29 09/16/00
- Episodic NT - Bennie Sue 22:24:12 09/16/00
- For Miguel: - Charlie 22:04:59 09/16/00
- Also - Miguel 22:00:57 09/16/00
- O2 Question - Frank Ford 18:08:33 09/16/00
- Glossary - Simon 14:41:08 09/16/00
- I'm always watching for news - James 14:40:01 09/16/00
- New Art - Todd 14:30:07 09/16/00
- Seratonin - Drue 14:20:54 09/16/00
- We did it - Jimmy Cheryl 13:19:57 09/16/00
- Shrooms consumed!!!!! - Graham 12:30:19 09/16/00
- Seems we've got a good weekend topic going.... - Bennie Sue 11:53:56 09/16/00
- releif short lived - jd 09:37:02 09/16/00
- my daughter - Kathi 08:08:24 09/16/00
- BLOOD GROUP 0 - MILK, CEREAL ALLERGY - JAM 04:25:23 09/16/00
- OOPS! - Charlie 01:08:40 09/16/00
- PROPAFALL - KEITH YOUNG 01:02:37 09/16/00
- more answers to three questions - Charlie 00:19:10 09/16/00
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